
Sicredi was sustainable long before the word took over the corporate world.  An institution is sustainable when it generates economic results while also protecting the environment and improving the quality of life of the people it interacts with. It must also balance financial results and community development. 
Sicredi is a cooperative financial institution that values regional economies, creates business opportunities and helps its members develop. A system of credit unions focused on sustainable growth that is growing closer to people and communities each day, as they are the reason for its existence. 

Sustainability Policy

Sicredi has based its vision of sustainability on the fact that cooperatives, due to their structure, legal nature and principles, have sustainability at their core, because they work towards economic and social development.
Click on our policy and learn about Sicredi's daily commitment to sustainability.

Annual Report

To measure the advances of sustainable management in its operations, Sicredi publishes the Annual Sustainability Report. It is a clear and transparent way of evaluating and demonstrating the results, strategy and evolution of the Institution.